What is a Comfortable Level of Humidity in Your Home During the Winter?

Humidity has the unique ability to make us either comfortable or uncomfortable. While humidity level preferences can differ from person to person, it’s a well-known fact that humidity plays a crucial role in the overall comfort and safety of the air we breathe. In the latest blog post from Novak Heating and Cooling, our technicians discuss “what is a comfortable level of humidity” in your home, as well as ways to raise humidity levels in the winter to improve your home’s comfort.

What is a Comfortable Level of Humidity?

As a general rule of thumb, your home’s humidity levels should be somewhere between 30 to 40% during the heating season. This is both a comfortable and healthy amount of humidity. If your home resides below 30% humidity in the winter, it can lead to health issues and even damage your furniture, floors, and walls.

Symptoms of Low Humidity

Issues caused by low humidity can go beyond just discomfort; they can also be dangerous. For those who suffer from asthma or allergies, dry air isn’t giving them the quality of air they need to breathe properly. In fact, breathing in too much dry air can actually lead to asthma attacks.

Additionally, low humidity levels create an environment in which viruses and germs can thrive in. You’ll probably notice symptoms consistent with dry air, such as chapped lips, nose bleeds, dry skin and hair, or cold and flu symptoms.

Low humidity can also cause wood floors, millwork, and furniture to crack, as well as paint to chip.

How to Raise Humidity 

In the winter months, low humidity levels can make your house feel much colder. Many homeowners, in an attempt to remedy the lower temperatures, will crank up their heating system. While this might provide a temporary boost to your comfort, it will drive up your energy prices and not provide a long-term solution to the problem.

In reality, homes suffering from low humidity levels should consider the addition of a whole-home humidifier. These systems provide a needed boost of moisture to your home’s air supply, creating safer and more comfortable air.

Humidifiers from Novak Heating and Cooling

If your home is being impacted by low humidity, Novak Heating and Cooling can provide the fix. Our reliable and trustworthy HVAC technicians will inspect your home and provide you with the best humidifier for your family’s specific needs. They’ll then expertly install your new Carrier® humidifier in a timely and efficient manner.

Contact Novak for Indoor Air Quality Services

Novak Heating and Cooling provides humidifier services to homes and businesses in Cedar Rapids, IA, and beyond. We’ve provided the residents of Cedar Rapids with quality heating, cooling, and indoor air quality services since 1934. For indoor air quality services that your home or business can depend on – including humidifiers, air cleaners, and more – get in contact with us today.

Should You Close Upstairs Vents in the Winter?

Throughout the long and cold winter season, many homeowners look for ways to use less heat and increase their home’s overall energy efficiency. A popular method that many homeowners utilize to save money and energy is to close vents in winter in rooms that aren’t often occupied. While this sounds like a good idea, in theory, it can increase your energy consumption and cause significant damage to your HVAC system and ductwork. Read more in the latest blog post below from Novak Heating and Cooling, and contact us for HVAC services in the Cedar Rapids, IA area.

Why You Shouldn’t Close Vents in Winter

Closing air vents upstairs can have a negative impact on your home and its HVAC system. You might run into issues such as:

Lower Overall Home Temperature

You may think that closing vents in unused rooms upstairs will save energy because heat is no longer flowing into unoccupied spaces. However, it’s doing the opposite. Closing your upstairs vents greatly reduces the temperatures in those spaces, causing the temperature to drop throughout your home as the cold air from those spaces circulates to other areas of your home. Your HVAC system, to hit the higher temperature that you’ve set, will stay on longer. This places additional and unnecessary stress on your heating and cooling equipment and can quickly lead to expensive damage.

Decreased Energy Efficiency

When your home’s temperature drops below the set temperature more frequently, your heating system has to work harder to raise the temperature. This means it will likely have to stay on for longer periods of time and turn on more frequently. This drains your home of energy and shoots your heating bills through the roof.

Damage to Your Ductwork

Your heating system – no matter which vents are opened or closed – will produce the same amount of heated air. When multiple vents are closed, that airflow must be redirected to other areas of your home where vents are open and the air can be released. This causes pressure to build up within your ductwork, which can lead to serious and expensive damage down the road.

Energy Saving Solutions

Instead of closing air vents in unused rooms or unoccupied areas of your home, consider other methods. Some more effective ways to save energy and heat include:

  • Utilizing ceiling fans for air circulation
  • Eliminating any air leaks or drafts by windows, crawl spaces, ductwork, etc.
  • Having your heating system maintained regularly
  • Adjusting your thermostat when you’re not home or if you’re asleep
  • Opening your curtains during the day to allow sunlight to get in

Taking advantage of these strategies will be far more effective than closing air vents in upstairs rooms. Not only will you likely see increased savings on your energy bills, but you also won’t cause any damage to your HVAC system or ductwork.

Contact Novak for Heating Services

Novak Heating and Cooling has provided high-quality heating services to homes and businesses in Cedar Rapids, Marion, Hiawatha, Robins, and North Liberty, Iowa since 1934. Our heating and cooling technicians come backed with the necessary experience and knowledge to provide the best solution for your unique issue. For heating services that you can depend on, including installations, repairs, and maintenance, get in contact with us today.