How Long Should a Thermostat Last?

Many homeowners do not realize that thermostats must be replaced every so often. How long do thermostats typically last and what are the signs that it’s time for a replacement? Knowing when to replace your thermostat can be important, especially if you want to make sure that your HVAC system is working efficiently to keep your home at the optimal temperature. Here’s what you need to know about how long thermostats last and when it’s time for an upgrade.

The Average Lifespan of a Thermostat

It’s usually time for a thermostat replacement if your current model is ten years. Factors like the type, brand, and amount of use can extend or shorten the life of your thermostat. Proper installation and maintenance can also impact the lifespan of a home’s thermostat. With good care throughout the years, your thermostat may last longer than expected; if neglected, you may need a new thermostat sooner than later.

Signs That You Need to Replace Your Thermostat

Your Home is Uncomfortable

One of the most common signs that your thermostat needs replacing is if it fails to keep your home at the desired temperature or if it’s not maintaining a consistent temperature throughout the day. These are signs that you have a broken thermostat. If your home is constantly too hot or too cold, it’s another sign that you need a new thermostat. If it’s difficult to adjust your temperature settings using your thermostat, then you have a malfunctioning thermostat.

A properly functioning thermostat should keep your home at a comfortable temperature at all times. If you find yourself constantly adjusting the temperature, it’s likely that you have a faulty thermostat.

Your Energy Bill Has Increased

One of the most obvious signs that it’s time for a new thermostat is an increase in your energy bills. If you notice that your heating and cooling costs are steadily increasing, it could be due to an outdated or inefficient thermostat. A new, energy-efficient programmable thermostat can help you save money on your energy bills and keep your home comfortable all year long.

You’re Still Using a Manual Thermostat

Thermostats that can only be changed by hand are called manual thermostats. There’s nothing wrong with them, but new thermostat technology can help you save on your energy bill and provide extra control and convenience to your life. A programmable thermostat can be set to a schedule to adjust the temperature settings throughout the day when no one is at home, or everyone is sleeping. smart thermostats take it a step further by allowing you to adjust the temperature with your smartphone. If your manual thermostat is working properly, but you just want to upgrade to the latest technology to save money, there’s nothing wrong with upgrading your thermostat for that reason.

Benefits of Switching to A Smart Thermostat

Changing out your old thermostat with a modern smart thermostat has many benefits, such as improved energy efficiency which can save you money in heating and cooling costs. Smart thermostats also allow you to control the temperature of your home from anywhere using just your phone or tablet. They can also detect when no one is home and adjust the temperature accordingly which helps conserve energy. In addition, they come with various features like voice-activated controls, auto-scheduling, and remote access capabilities making them ideal for modern homes.

Call Novak for Thermostat Installation Services in Cedar Rapids

Overall, understanding how long should a thermostat last and being aware of any signs that it’s time for an upgrade will help ensure that your heating and cooling system runs efficiently all year round. For quality thermostat installation services in the Cedar Rapids area, contact Novak Heating & Cooling today! With our expertise, we can guide you through choosing the best new smart thermostat for your home and handle all aspects of its installation so that you can enjoy its many benefits right away!

Why Is My House So Dusty?

Dust is one of the most common causes of poor indoor air quality. Not only can it be unpleasant to look at and difficult to clean, but dust can also create respiratory issues for those living in the home. It’s important to understand why dust accumulates in a home and how you can combat it. Here are some common causes of an excessively dusty house as well as some good housekeeping tips for reducing dust levels.

Common Causes of a Dusty House

There are many potential sources that contribute to a dusty house. Most often, outdoor sources such as pollen and dirt carried inside by pets or people are responsible for the majority of household dust accumulation. Other potential sources include construction work, smoke from burning wood or cigarettes, and materials used in furniture construction such as foam cushions and fabrics made from synthetic fibers. Additionally, pet dander and dead skin cells are among the most common types of household dust particles.

Housekeeping Tips for Reducing Dust Levels

Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to keep your home free from excess dust accumulation around your home.

  • Vacuum frequently with a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner to reduce allergens like pet dander and other airborne particles that could trigger allergies or asthma symptoms.
  • Clean surfaces regularly with a damp cloth—dust clings more easily to dry surfaces.
  • Consider replacing items such as carpets or curtains that may trap dust particles more easily than other materials.
  • The best way to reduce dust mite populations in your home is to keep the humidity level low. Dust mites thrive in humid environments, so by keeping your home’s humidity level below 50%, you can significantly reduce their numbers.
  • If you have pets, it’s important to regularly groom them and vacuum up any pet hair that they shed. Pet hair can contribute to more dust in your home, so by keeping them clean and free of shedding, you can help to reduce overall dust levels.
  • Avoid using fabric softeners when washing your bedding and clothes. Fabric softeners coat fabrics with chemicals that can attract and hold onto dust particles, so it’s best to avoid them if you’re trying to reduce dust levels in your home.
  • Keep clutter to a minimum. Clutter provides places for dust to hide and accumulate, so by decluttering your living spaces, you can help reduce the overall amount of dust in your home.

How Can Your HVAC System Help You Combat Dust?

Your HVAC system will have a significant impact on how much dust accumulates in your home over time. Regular maintenance appointments for your furnace or air conditioner are essential for keeping your system running efficiently and avoiding costly repairs or replacements down the road. In addition to annual maintenance visits for your heating and cooling systems, this includes using high-efficiency air filters and changing the filters in your HVAC unit regularly. Furthermore, having your ducts professionally cleaned by certified technicians from Novak Heating & Cooling will help improve indoor air quality by removing built-up debris that could otherwise become airborne over time if left untreated.

Talk to Novak to Learn More Ways To Make Your House Less Dusty

Understanding why dust accumulates and taking proactive steps to reduce its presence is essential for maintaining healthy indoor air quality levels throughout your home. Professional duct cleaning and maintaining your HVAC system with regular air filter changes can go a long way in the battle against excess dust in your home. If you live near Cedar Rapids area, call Novak Heating & Cooling today for all your professional duct cleaning and HVAC maintenance needs!