When Should I Buy a New Furnace

Residents in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, know just how cold winter can get. That’s why it’s important to have a reliable, long-lasting heating system to keep you warm all season long. When properly maintained, your furnace can ensure a safe and comfortable environment for your family throughout the winter. Unfortunately, there are times when your furnace breaks down beyond repair.
When you’re without heat in the dead of winter, it may be time to buy a new furnace. Luckily, there are also times when you can replace a failing furnace proactively before it leaves you without heat. As local experts in furnace repair, maintenance, and installation, Novak Heating & Cooling is here to help with all the information you need to replace your furnace without disrupting the comfort of your Cedar Rapids Home.

Check out our helpful guide below and contact our skilled technicians when you need quality furnace replacement or emergency furnace repairs at any time.

Signs Your Furnace Needs to Be Replaced

Sometimes, your furnace will break down with no warning, causing you great stress trying to call for repairs and then trying to find an HVAC system replacement all in the cold Iowa winter. Other times, there are clear warning signs that your current furnace is in danger and will soon need to be replaced.
An HVAC professional from Novak Heating & Cooling can help you buy a new furnace if notice the following signs:

Old Age

A well-maintained furnace should last anywhere from 10-20 years depending on a variety of factors such as quality and usage. But once your heating system ages past 10 years, it is time to start thinking about a replacement. Older equipment can break down easier than newer equipment, costing you more money in the long run fixing a dangerous gas leak or broken heat exchanger.

Insufficient Heating

The whole point of a furnace is consistent heating throughout your Cedar Rapids home. So when you notice your home is colder than normal despite a working thermostat, or it takes much longer to get warm, it’s a clear sign your furnace is experiencing issues and it’s time to replace it.

Increased Energy Bills

When your furnace needs replacing, it’s likely due to an improper combustion process or type of mechanical failure, or old age. When it runs into these problems, it won’t operate efficiently, using more energy to run harder and more frequently. This will result in higher-than-usual utility bills until the issue is addressed and your furnace is replaced.

Odd Sounds

While some noise can be expected when your furnace cycles, it should be loud. If you start to notice excessive noise or sounds such as scraping, banging, wheezing, or screeching, it’s a sure sign that your furnace needs an HVAC inspection completed to determine if it needs to be replaced.

Frequent Repairs

There are times when your furnace will exhibit the above warning signs and our HVAC professionals will discover a simple repair is all that’s required to resolve the issue rather than a complete replacement. However, if you find yourself calling for repairs month after month with no end in sight, it’s time to purchase a new furnace. Pouring money into repairing your old furnace every time it breaks is much less cost-effective than getting a brand-new, more efficient system.

The Basics of Buying a New Furnace

Now that you know when it’s time to call our professional team for fast and affordable furnace replacement and installation, it’s time to decide what furnace you’re going to purchase. At Novak Heating & Cooling, we specialize in furnace installation for all models and sizes from the top brands and manufacturers in the industry.
To ensure you get the most efficient, compatible heating system for your home, consider these factors when buying a new furnace.

  • Type of Furnace: You can choose from an electrical, oil, natural gas, or propane furnace.
  • Size of Furnace: Our trained technicians will determine your home’s heating load and help you choose a furnace size that works efficiently for your needs.
  • AFUE Rating: Consider the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency rating, which calculates how efficiently each furnace uses fuel. In order to maintain efficiency and reduce new furnace costs, we recommend a rating between 80 and 98.5 percent.

Why You Should Choose Professional Furnace Replacement

No matter the new furnace you choose to purchase, the most important decision you’ll make when replacing your heating equipment is who you hire to install it. When you choose Novak Heating & Cooling for furnace replacement, you’re working with the top HVAC company in the Greater Cedar Rapids area.
We’re committed to the safety and comfort of you and your family in every season. That’s why we worked diligently to ensure your furnace installation is done right the first time. We’ve replaced thousands of furnaces in the area in the last 86 years, making our team one of the most qualified for the job.

Contact Novak Heating & Cooling Today

You should buy a new furnace when it reaches the end of its lifespan or exhibits signs of inefficiency. At Novak Heating & Cooling, we understand the feelings of stress and uncertainty when it comes to furnace cost and replacement process, but our team is eager to make your new installation experience a good one. We’re highly skilled in HVAC service for all types of heating and cooling equipment and can help save you money with more efficient equipment with every replacement.

Contact Novak Heating & Cooling for your furnace replacement needs today.

How Long Does a Heat Pump Last

If you’re considering installing a heat pump in your home, you may be wondering how long you can expect it to last. Heat pumps are known for their efficiency and cost-effectiveness, but like any appliance, they have a limited lifespan. Today, the team at Novak explores heat pump life expectancy and offers some tips on how to optimize the longevity of your HVAC system.

How Does a Heat Pump Work?

First, let’s briefly review how heat pumps work. An air source heat pump is essentially a two-way air conditioning system that can both cool and heat your home. Unlike a furnace, which creates heat through combustion, a heat pump moves heat from one location to another. In the winter, it extracts heat from the outdoor air (even in cold temperatures) and brings it inside your home. In the summer, the process is reversed, and the heat pump moves warm air outside, effectively cooling your home.

There are other kinds of heat pumps like geothermal heat pumps or water source heat pumps that work in a similar fashion. Extracting the heat from the earth or water into the home. These heat pumps rely on ground loops to extra the heat, whereas an air-source heat pump system doesn’t need ground loops. The condenser unit for all of these heat pump systems is what has a life expectancy and will need to be replaced occasionally.

On average, a well-maintained heat pump can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years. However, some models may last longer, while others may experience wear and tear sooner due to factors such as usage patterns, maintenance habits, and environmental conditions. It’s essential to keep in mind that variables such as climate, air quality, and humidity levels can significantly impact the lifespan of your heat pump.

How to Increase Heat Pump Lifespan

What can you do to increase your heat pump’s life expectancy? Here are some things to keep in mind:

Regular Maintenance

Proper maintenance performed by a certified HVAC technician is essential to keep your heat pump in good working condition. Schedule maintenance appointments twice a year to ensure that your heat pump is running efficiently and that any potential problems are promptly addressed.

Frequent Air Filter Replacement

Replacing your air filter as needed can help your heat pump work more efficiently, prolong its life, and improve air quality. Check the manufacturer’s recommendation for replacement, and check your filter monthly to see if an earlier replacement is necessary.

Proper Usage

Avoid running your heat pump at extreme temperatures; dial in comfortable temperatures and try to maintain them. Rapid and extreme temperature changes strain the system and reduce your heat pump’s lifespan.

Choose a Quality HVAC Contractor

When selecting an HVAC contractor, it’s essential to choose a reputable and experienced one. They can provide installation, maintenance, and repairs with the needed technical know-how and at fair costs. When installing a heat pump, many manufacturers’ warranties are voided if the system isn’t installed by a reputable HVAC company. Not having a valid warranty in place can make maintenance and repairs a lot more expensive. Proper installation and service throughout the time you have your system can greatly increase your heat pump lifespan.

Energy Efficiency

Maximizing energy efficiency is critical to sustaining the life of your heat pump. The more efficient your system, the less it works to meet your heating and cooling needs, and the longer it will last. If you notice rising energy bills, call Novak to repair your heat pump. If repairs do not lower your energy costs, then you might want to consider replacing your heat pump.

By taking these steps, you can significantly enhance the lifespan of your heat pump. However, it’s also essential to remember that all systems will eventually need replacement, no matter how well-maintained they are. Eventually, your heat pump’s performance will deteriorate and repairs will no longer be financially sustainable. When it comes time to replace your system, be sure to select the right one for your home’s heating and cooling needs.

Get the Most from Your Heat Pump, Schedule Service with Novak Today

The lifespan of a Heat pump depends on its usage, maintenance habits, and environmental conditions. Still, with proper care, it can last up to 10-15 years or even longer. Regular maintenance, frequent filter changes, proper usage, quality contractors, and energy efficiency are all crucial factors to consider if you want to extend the lifespan of your heat pump.

By following our tips, you can get the most out of your heat pump and ensure that you have an energy-efficient and comfortable home for years to come. If you’d like to learn more about heat pump lifespan and how to extend it, contact Novak Heating & Air Conditioning today.

Signs You Should Have Your Air Ducts Cleaned

Maintaining a clean and hygienic indoor environment is essential for our overall health. The air quality at home and work is a crucial aspect of ensuring a healthy environment. While most people know how to clean the surfaces of their homes, many struggle to keep the air in their homes clean. The air ducts in your home provide a necessary function but can also impact the overall air quality of your indoor space. It is essential to have regular maintenance of these vents to eliminate any potential issues that could be harmful to our health. This blog post will discuss some common signs that air ducts should be cleaned and the benefits of doing so.

Red Flags – Signs Its Time To Schedule Duct Cleaning Services

Several signs indicate that it is time to clean your air ducts. These signs include common respiratory health symptoms, visible dust and debris, and higher-than-usual electricity bills due to the air conditioning system’s inefficiency.

Respiratory Health Symptoms

Dust, pet dander, pollen, and other particles may accumulate in air ducts. The accumulation of these allergens and contaminants creates an unhealthy environment when they are drawn back into the home’s ventilation system, potentially causing respiratory issues such as coughing, sneezing, and difficulty breathing. If you or your family members are experiencing any of these symptoms, it may be time to consider cleaning your air ducts.

Visible Dust and Debris

It is easy to spot if your air ducts are harboring debris, even without experiencing respiratory symptoms. The presence of dust around your home’s air vents and registers could mean that it is time to have your air ducts cleaned to remove the potential allergy triggers. If your home seems to have significantly more dust buildup than before, a thorough duct cleaning can help eliminate dust accumulation around your home.

Higher Energy Bills

If your home’s heating and cooling costs have been increasing for no apparent reason, it could be due to your air conditioning system working harder to regulate the indoor temperature. Clogged air ducts force the heating and cooling system to function more, leading to increased electricity bills. Cleaning your air ducts can eliminate this unnecessary workload, allowing your system to operate at its full capacity.

Inconsistent Temperatures Around The Home

If there seems to be one room that is colder than others, blockages inside air ducts can prevent conditioned air to reach this room. Professional air duct cleaners can remove this blockage, or check for damage to make sure you’re not wasting energy.

Recent Home Renovations

Paint, construction materials, and new furniture contain chemicals called VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that can hide in your air ducts for a long time. Following a home renovation, it’s a smart idea to schedule a duct cleaning to remove these chemicals from your home environment.

Air ducts are dark places that are great for harboring pests. If you’ve recently had your home fumigated, consider duct cleaning services after the fact to remove all traces of a rodent infestation from your air ducts.

Benefits of Cleaning Your Air Ducts

While many people only think of the term HVAC system to apply to furnaces and air conditioners, your ductwork is an integral part of your home’s comfort as well. Make sure you have maintenance done to your entire HVAC system by having it cleaned every 5-8 years, and we guarantee you’ll notice an improvement in your home’s comfort, along with other benefits.

Improved Air Quality

Cleaning air ducts removes dust and allergens that accumulate over time, making the indoor air cleaner and healthier. This reduction in allergens is especially helpful for people with allergies and other respiratory issues.

Reduction in Energy Costs

Air duct cleaning removes the buildup of dust and debris, which results in the efficiency of the HVAC system increasing. When the air conditioning system is working efficiently, less energy is consumed, and utility costs are reduced—the cost of cleaning the air ducts is offset by the savings achieved in the reduction of energy bills.

Longer Life Span of HVAC System

Regular cleaning and maintenance help to prolong the life of HVAC systems. Dirty air ducts lead to the development of mold and bacteria, which can be harmful to the system’s components. Cleaning air ducts regularly reduces wear and tear on the system and ensures that it lasts longer.

Schedule Air Duct Cleaning in Cedar Rapids, IA with Novak Today

Indoor air quality is vital for the health and safety of the occupants. When air ducts become dirty or clogged, this can affect the quality of the air that enters homes and offices. Regular cleaning and maintenance of air ducts ensure that indoor air quality is free from allergens and contaminants. Signs that air ducts should be cleaned include increased electricity bills, visible dust and debris, and respiratory health symptoms. The benefits of cleaning air ducts are many, including cost savings in electricity bills, prolonged life of HVAC systems, and improved air quality.

With this information, you can ensure that your indoor environment is safe and healthy for everyone. Contact Novak Heating & Air Conditioning for air duct cleaning and maintenance services today.

Can Commercial HVAC Systems Be Repaired?

When it comes to maintaining a comfortable and healthy environment in commercial buildings, the HVAC system plays a crucial role. Just like residential systems, commercial HVAC equipment can develop problems and require repairs. In fact, commercial HVAC system repairs are a common aspect of facility management. However, there are some unique factors that can cause commercial systems to need more frequent repairs than their residential counterparts. Novak Heating & Cooling explains how often you can expect to repair your systems and why it is important to work with a quality commercial HVAC repair company.

Common Reasons for Frequent Repairs in Commercial HVAC Systems

Commercial HVAC systems are typically larger and more complex than residential systems, which can make them more prone to issues. Here are some common reasons why a commercial HVAC system may need to be repaired more frequently than a home system:

  • Higher Workload: Commercial HVAC systems generally have a higher workload than residential systems due to the larger spaces they serve. This increased demand can lead to more wear and tear on components, resulting in a higher likelihood of breakdowns and repairs. When you need repairs, you’ll notice right away with increased energy bills.
  • More Components: Commercial systems often include more components, such as multiple air handlers, chillers, and boilers. More parts mean more potential points of failure, increasing the chances of needing commercial HVAC unit repairs.
  • Greater Complexity: Commercial HVAC systems are usually more complex than residential systems, with advanced controls and automation features. This complexity can make diagnosing and repairing issues more challenging, leading to the need to schedule commercial HVAC maintenance more frequently.
  • Longer Operating Hours: Many commercial buildings operate for extended hours compared to homes, putting additional strain on the HVAC system and increasing the likelihood of component failures.
  • Harsher Operating Environments: Commercial HVAC systems are often exposed to harsher conditions, such as extreme temperatures, dust, and pollutants. These factors can accelerate wear and tear on components, leading to more frequent Commercial HVAC repair needs.

The Importance of Regular Inspections for Commercial HVAC Systems

Given the unique challenges faced by commercial HVAC systems, regular commercial HVAC maintenance is essential to ensure optimal performance and prevent costly breakdowns. It’s generally recommended that commercial HVAC units be  inspected at least twice a year, with more frequent inspections for facilities with higher demands or operating in harsh environments. Here are some benefits of regular inspections:

  • Early Detection of Issues: Regular inspections can help identify potential problems before they escalate into costly repairs or system failures.
  • Improved Efficiency: Inspections often include cleaning and tuning of components, which can help maintain system efficiency and reduce energy costs.
  • Extended System Lifespan: By addressing issues early and keeping the system well-maintained, regular inspections can help extend the lifespan of your commercial HVAC system.
  • Enhanced Indoor Air Quality: Inspections can help ensure proper ventilation and air filtration, contributing to a healthier indoor environment for building occupants.

The Impact of Building Size on Commercial HVAC System Repairs and Maintenance

Building size is an important factor to consider when planning commercial HVAC repairs and maintenance. Larger buildings typically have more complex HVAC systems, with multiple zones and additional equipment to accommodate the increased demand. As a result, larger facilities may require more frequent inspections and maintenance to keep the system operating efficiently and reliably.

It’s also important to recognize that different types of commercial buildings have different HVAC requirements. For example, manufacturing facilities may have specialized ventilation needs to remove contaminants, while office buildings may require more precise temperature and humidity control for occupant comfort. Understanding your building’s specific needs can help you develop a tailored maintenance plan that ensures your HVAC system remains in peak condition.

Trust Novak Heating and Cooling for Your Cedar Rapids area Commercial HVAC System Repairs

When it comes to commercial HVAC system repairs, it’s essential to work with a trusted and experienced service provider. At Novak Heating and Cooling, our team of skilled technicians is ready to handle all your commercial HVAC repair needs. We understand the unique challenges faced by commercial systems and are committed to providing prompt, reliable service that keeps your facility comfortable and efficient.

Don’t wait for a breakdown to disrupt your business operations. Contact Novak Heating and Cooling today to schedule an inspection or discuss your commercial HVAC system repair needs. Let us help you maintain a comfortable and healthy environment for your employees and customers.

Are Whole House Dehumidifiers Worth It?

The hot, humid summers in Cedar Rapids, IA can leave many homeowners battling excess moisture in their homes. High humidity levels can lead to mold and mildew growth, damage to wood floors or furniture, and uncomfortable living spaces. One solution to control humidity is the use of a whole-house dehumidifier as part of your home’s HVAC system.

A whole-house dehumidifier is an efficient and effective solution for maintaining optimal humidity levels throughout your home. Whole-house dehumidifiers are installed as part of your home’s ductwork and work continuously to remove moisture from the air. They help maintain a consistent humidity level, ideally between 30-50%, throughout the house. Novak Heating & Cooling shares the benefits a whole house dehumidifier can air to your home so you can decide if one is worth it for you.

How Do Whole House Dehumidifiers Work?

Whole-house humidifiers draw in air through the return ducts. As the air passes through the dehumidifier unit, a refrigerated coil condenses moisture in the air, reducing the humidity level. The dry, conditioned air is then circulated back into the living spaces via the supply ducts, and the excess moisture drains from the unit.

Whole house dehumidifiers collect the moisture from the air into a tank. This tank should be emptied on a regular basis. It’s a smart idea to make sure that your whole house dehumidifier is maintained during your annual air conditioner tune-up appointment.

Do You Need a Whole House Dehumidifier?

Some signs you may want to consider a whole-house dehumidifier for your Cedar Rapids home include:

  • Condensation on windows, walls, or other surfaces
  • Musty smells or visible mold/mildew, especially in basements or crawl spaces
  • Wood flooring or furniture is warping, buckling, or showing signs of water damage
  • Drywall or wallpaper is peeling or shows signs of water damage
  • You or family members are experiencing allergy or asthma symptoms in the home

Benefits of Whole House Dehumidifier Installation

By maintaining balanced humidity levels, a whole-house dehumidifier helps prevent issues and offers many benefits, including:

  • Better Indoor Air Quality: A whole-house dehumidifier helps maintain optimal humidity levels, reducing allergens and airborne irritants like mold spores, dust mites, and mildew.
  • Enhanced Comfort: By extracting excess moisture, a dehumidifier makes your home feel more comfortable, preventing dampness and stuffiness.
  • Energy Efficiency: With lower humidity levels, air conditioners don’t have to work as hard, resulting in energy savings and reduced utility bills.
  • Protection for Your Home: Balanced humidity levels help prevent damage to wood furniture, flooring, and structural components caused by excess moisture.
  • Prevention of Mold and Mildew: A dehumidifier reduces the risk of mold growth throughout your home in places you can’t see. Mold and mildew can be damaging to the health of your family and the structural integrity of your home.
  • Reduced Odors: By maintaining proper humidity levels, a whole-house dehumidifier helps eliminate musty odors associated with dampness and high humidity.
  • Less Condensation: Dehumidifiers reduce window condensation, preventing moisture buildup that can lead to rot and damage.
  • Extended Lifespan of Electronics: Excess humidity can harm electronics and appliances; a whole-house dehumidifier protects your valuable devices.
  • Easier Breathing: Balanced humidity levels make it easier for those with respiratory issues or allergies to breathe comfortably in their homes.
  • Low Maintenance: Whole-house dehumidifiers require minimal maintenance compared to portable units, making them a convenient and hassle-free solution for humidity control.

Talk to the Whole House Dehumidifier Pros at Novak Today to Improve the Comfort Of Your Home This Summer

For the comfort and health of your family and the protection of your home’s structure, a whole-house dehumidifier can be worth the investment. If you’re experiencing issues with excess humidity, contact Novak Heating and Cooling to discuss whether a whole-house dehumidifier could help solve your problems and improve your home’s comfort.

Can You Dehumidify Too Much?

As homeowners, we want to remain comfortable in our homes year-round, regardless of the weather outside. When it comes to controlling temperature, it is common knowledge that we turn to HVAC systems, but what about humidity levels? Often, the importance of proper indoor humidity levels goes overlooked, despite it being crucial to maintaining a healthy, comfortable environment. The indoor air quality experts at Novak Heating, Air, and Duct Cleaning explain why humidity control is important and what can happen if you dehumidify too much.

About Indoor Humidity

Let’s define humidity: it is the amount of water vapor present in the air. This can significantly affect our indoor air quality and comfort. High humidity levels can lead to several issues, including musty odors, mold growth, and even respiratory problems, such as allergies and asthma. Low humidity, on the other hand, can cause a range of issues, including dry air and static electricity.

It’s crucial to maintain ideal humidity levels throughout the year; a range of 30-50% is generally considered ideal. Anything above it is too humid, while anything below it is too dry. But what is the best way to fight humidity? While an air conditioner can help with humidity, a whole-house dehumidifier will probably be your best bet for managing the relative humidity around your entire home.

Symptoms of Too Much Humidity

When the air has a lot of excess moisture it causes high humidity levels. High humidity can lead to mold growth, which can result in taking over your home. Mold thrives in damp, humid conditions and can be found on walls, ceilings, inside closets, and even under carpets. It can cause health problems, including respiratory issues, skin irritations, and worsen allergy symptoms. When you turn on your air conditioner, it acts as a dehumidifier as the cold coils condense water from the air. If mold is present on coils, it too will circulate throughout the room.

While mold is one of the most visible symptoms of high humidity, other signs include condensation on windows, damp spots on walls or ceilings, feeling sticky indoors, unpleasant musty odors, and a clammy air feeling. Investing in a whole-house dehumidifier can prevent mold growth, eliminate musty odors, and reduce airborne allergens.

Symptoms of Dry Air

On the flip side, when the air is too dry, it can lead to skin irritations, dry sinuses, and noses, and even respiratory problems. Luckily, this issue is quite manageable with the right tools. A humidifier, installed on your HVAC system, can add moisture to the air when it gets too dry. Alternatively, standalone humidifiers can add moisture to specific rooms in your house.

While it may not seem essential, dry air can cause damage to your home’s wooden flooring, furnishings, and wallpaper. It can also agitate sinuses, cause static shocks, and dry skin. Investing in a humidifier to maintain a balanced humidity level and keep you comfortable. A humidifier is good to run in the winter when the air is dryer, and a humidifier is good to run in the summer to help combat the humidity outside.

If You Dehumidify Too Much, What Happens?

We know finding the right relative humidity level is key for a healthy household, but what happens when we invest in a dehumidifier without monitoring humidity levels closely? Leaving your dehumidifier on all the time can result in dehumidifying too much, leading to a dry indoor environment. It can cause dry air, leading to respiratory issues, dehydrated skin, and static electricity.

Combatting High and Low Humidity Levels

One important thing to keep in mind is that to combat humidity levels, your HVAC system, humidifier, and dehumidifier need to work seamlessly together. Your home’s HVAC system should be designed to remove excess humidity in humid months and maintain ideal humidity levels in dry months.

  • If you struggle with high humidity levels, it’s essential to do a few things: check your HVAC system’s fan settings, change your air filters regularly, repair leaky faucets, and fix any moisture issues. Investing in a whole-house dehumidifier can help you keep indoor moisture levels under control.
  • If you struggle with dry air in your home, invest in a humidifier. It will compensate for the lack of moisture, making your home more comfortable and healthier.

Get Help with Humidity Control Help From Novak

If you dehumidify too much in your home, we’re here to help! At Novak Heating & Air Conditioning, we’re experts in HVAC systems and indoor air quality products. Investing in a humidifier is a smart idea, not just for home comfort issues, but to help with the lifespan of your air conditioner as well. Air conditioners remove moisture from the air, but a humidifier can help, which reduces stress on your AC and can help it last longer. Talk to Novak to see if your home could benefit from a whole-house dehumidifier.

How Are Ductless Mini-Splits Connected?

You walk into a friend’s house, but instead of seeing vents on the floors and walls, you see these big long boxes. This box is a ductless mini-split. Houses that have ductless mini splits don’t need ductwork to cool or heat a space. Your friend may have indoor air handling units all over their house, but only one outdoor unit. You might be wondering how they’re all connected and how they can create comfortable temperatures in independent spaces. Novak answers all your ductless system questions in this blog.

What Is a Ductless Mini-Split System?

First, let’s define what a ductless mini-split system is. These systems consist of an outdoor heat pump unit and one or more indoor air handling units that distribute air throughout your home or business. Unlike traditional heating and cooling systems that rely on ductwork to deliver air, mini-split systems use air handlers directly installed in living spaces to deliver conditioned air.

Even though they provide air on demand given the temperature settings on each indoor air handling unit, they are all connected. The outdoor unit is connected to the indoor unit via a refrigerant line, a conduit containing electrical wiring and tubing. The outdoor heat pump unit houses the compressor and other key components, while the indoor unit contains the evaporator and air handler.

One of the great advantages of ductless mini-split systems is that they provide zoned heating and cooling. This means you can have individual temperature control in each room or zone where an indoor unit is installed. Each indoor unit has its own thermostat, allowing you to create customized temperature settings to meet your family’s or business’s needs.

Determining the Right Layout for Your Mini-Split System

Now, let’s talk about how to figure out the number of mini splits and heat pumps you would need to cover your entire home. It’s important to note that the number of indoor air handlers required will depend on your home’s size, layout, and insulation. A professional HVAC technician can help you determine how many mini-splits you’ll need to properly heat and cool your home.

As a general rule of thumb, each outdoor unit can support 4 to 6 indoor units, depending on the model. The cooling capacity of each indoor unit will depend on its BTU sizing, which means the amount of heating or cooling it can produce in one hour’s time. Your HVAC technician can also assist you in creating effective heating and cooling zones, as well as sizing indoor units to the proper capacity.

When it comes to choosing a ductless mini-split system, there are a few things to consider. First, you’ll need to decide between a single-zone or multi-zone system. Single-zone systems are ideal for smaller homes or businesses with a single space to cool or heat. Many people opt for these systems in newly finished spaces like basements, attics, or sunrooms. However, some people use them for areas separate from the rest of their HVAC systems like garages, guest houses, workshops, or new additions. Multi-zone systems, on the other hand, are more suitable for larger homes or businesses with multiple rooms or zones to control.

Next, you’ll need to choose the right size and type of heat pump for your system. A heat pump provides the heating and cooling functions of the unit. It’s important to choose a heat pump that is appropriately sized for your system. Too small of a heat pump won’t adequately cool your home, while too large of a heat pump will short cycle and be inefficient.

Ductless Mini-Split Installation in Cedar Rapids, IA

Ductless mini-split systems are a great option for those looking for efficient and customizable heating and cooling in their homes or businesses. By minimizing energy loss through ductwork, mini-split systems can save you money on your energy bills and improve your indoor air quality. If you’re considering a ductless mini-split installation, contact Novak Heating & Air Conditioning today to schedule a consultation with one of our expert technicians.

Do Heat Pumps Need Yearly Maintenance?

Have you heard about heat pumps and their energy efficiency? These HVAC systems are able to provide both heating and cooling services. However, heat pumps need slightly different care than furnaces or air conditioners, and homeowners must pay attention to their maintenance requirements. Novak Heating, Air & Duct Cleaning takes a closer look at the importance of yearly heat pump maintenance and how it differs from traditional split HVAC systems.

What Is a Heat Pump?

Before discussing the importance of yearly heat pump maintenance, it is essential to understand exactly what a heat pump is. A heat pump is a system that moves heat energy from one location to another. During the winter months, the heat pump will move heat from outside the home into the inside, providing warmth. During the summer months, this process is reversed, with the heat pump moving indoor heat outside, cooling the home in the process. These heating and cooling systems are incredibly energy efficient, but as they age, they can develop issues like all HVAC systems. Preventative maintenance is important to stay on top of to keep your energy consumption optimal.

Importance of Yearly Heat Pump Maintenance

Like all mechanical equipment, regular maintenance is essential to ensure the longevity and efficiency of heat pumps. Heat pumps typically last between 12 to 15 years, but this can decrease if the system is not regularly maintained.

Yearly maintenance checks are crucial to ensuring the system is operating correctly, cleaning filters, and identifying any potential problems. Secondly, regular maintenance checks will ensure optimal efficiency of the heat pump system, helping to reduce energy bills while keeping your home comfortable.

Why Twice a Year Maintenance Checks are Necessary

As mentioned earlier, heat pumps have unique maintenance requirements. They need to be serviced twice a year. It’s best to schedule yearly heat pump maintenance with one tune-up in the spring and one in the fall.

The reason why these alternating tune-ups are necessary is that heat pump systems have to function differently depending on the seasons. In the winter, many homeowners rely on their heat pump system as their primary heating system. A well-maintained heat pump will work reliably throughout the winter months. Then in the summer, your heat pump will become your cooling system to keep your home comfortable on hot summer days.

The year-round use of this heating and cooling system requires more frequent tune-ups to make sure all components remain running efficiently for both heating and cooling roles. With a heating or cooling system like a furnace or an air conditioner, you typically only need a single tune-up each year due to each unit’s singular task of only providing heating or cooling indoors based on the season.

What Happens During a Heat Pump Maintenance Tune-Up?

During the tune-up, an experienced technician will inspect the outside and inside components by following a comprehensive heat pump maintenance checklist. They’ll check for blockages in air ducts, blocked filters, and malfunctioning mechanisms such as thermostats and fan motors. They will also clean any dirt or debris from moving components like fan blades. They will also monitor outdoor coils, and look out for any refrigerant leaks. Both the outdoor unit and any indoor air handlers or other components will be inspected. In addition, they may lubricate motors and parts as needed.

A certified and professional HVAC technician knows how to spot the signs of wear and tear and will recommend a heat pump repair if they feel it is necessary. These repairs help avoid unexpected breakdowns when you’re relying on your heat pump the most, usually on an extremely cold or hot day.

After the maintenance tune-up is complete, you can be sure that your heat pump is optimized for maximum energy efficiency.

Professional Heat Pump Maintenance Services in Cedar Rapids, IA

A heat pump is a fantastic system that provides both heating and cooling services. To ensure the system remains efficient and long-lasting, yearly heat pump maintenance checks are crucial. Twice-a-year tune-ups on heat pumps are necessary as these systems operate year-round and require different maintenance tasks than traditional split HVAC systems. By having your heat pump serviced regularly, you can keep your home comfortable, reduce energy bills, and extend the lifespan of the system. If you’re looking for professional heat pump maintenance in Cedar Rapids, contact Novak Heating, Air & Duct Cleaning, and one of our certified HVAC technicians will assist you.

What Is a Good SEER Rating?

Summer is nearly here, which means it may be time to invest in a new air conditioner. With so many options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. One of the critical factors to consider is the SEER rating of an AC unit. What is a SEER rating and why is it important to know? In this blog post, the team at Novak Heating, Air & Duct Cleaning discusses everything you need to know about SEER ratings and how it affects your cooling bills.

What Is a SEER Rating?

SEER, short for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, is a measure of how efficiently an air conditioner unit can convert electrical energy into cooling power. The higher the SEER rating, the more energy-efficient the unit is. In simple terms, the SEER rating is like miles-per-gallon (MPG) on a car. The more MPG a car gets, the less fuel it consumes. Similarly, an air conditioner with a higher SEER rating will consume less energy, resulting in significant energy savings.

What Is a Good SEER Rating?

So, what is a good SEER rating? The Department of Energy (DOE) requires all new AC units to have a minimum SEER rating of 14. However, some high-end units can have a SEER rating of 25 or more, making them incredibly energy efficient. A SEER rating of 14 is suitable for homeowners who use their air conditioning units sparingly. But, for people who run their air conditioning units all summer long, a SEER rating of at least 16 or higher is recommended.

Does the SEER Rating Affect Costs?

Higher SEER AC units are often more expensive because they use premium components and advanced technologies to deliver high-efficiency cooling. For instance, units with variable-speed compressors, evaporator coils, and smart thermostats can achieve remarkable efficiency levels, but they come at a premium cost. However, the extra upfront cost of air conditioning unit installation can be justified by the long-term energy savings and hassle-free operation of the unit.

With the rising costs of cooling during summer, it is becoming increasingly important to consider all aspects when buying a new air conditioning unit. The higher the SEER ratings are air conditioning models, the better their energy efficiency, which means they cost less to operate than an air conditioner with a lower SEER rating. Choosing a model with a high SEER rating gives you more bang for your buck and helps reduce some of the energy costs that come with heat waves.

An air conditioning system with higher SEER ratings not only helps you save energy bills but also reduces your carbon footprint. More efficient air conditioners reduce the amount of electricity needed to cool your home, thus decreasing the overall environmental impact of energy generation.

Find the Perfect Air Conditioner for Your Cedar Rapids Area Home With Help from Novak

A good SEER rating is a critical factor in making an informed decision when purchasing a new air conditioner. Air conditioners with high SEER ratings can deliver higher efficiency, energy savings, and improved environmental impact. At Novak Heating and Cooling in Cedar Rapids, we offer top-of-the-line AC units with high SEER ratings that are tailored to meet your cooling comfort and energy-saving goals. Call us today to schedule your AC installation estimate.


How Long Should a Thermostat Last?

Many homeowners do not realize that thermostats must be replaced every so often. How long do thermostats typically last and what are the signs that it’s time for a replacement? Knowing when to replace your thermostat can be important, especially if you want to make sure that your HVAC system is working efficiently to keep your home at the optimal temperature. Here’s what you need to know about how long thermostats last and when it’s time for an upgrade.

The Average Lifespan of a Thermostat

It’s usually time for a thermostat replacement if your current model is ten years. Factors like the type, brand, and amount of use can extend or shorten the life of your thermostat. Proper installation and maintenance can also impact the lifespan of a home’s thermostat. With good care throughout the years, your thermostat may last longer than expected; if neglected, you may need a new thermostat sooner than later.

Signs That You Need to Replace Your Thermostat

Your Home is Uncomfortable

One of the most common signs that your thermostat needs replacing is if it fails to keep your home at the desired temperature or if it’s not maintaining a consistent temperature throughout the day. These are signs that you have a broken thermostat. If your home is constantly too hot or too cold, it’s another sign that you need a new thermostat. If it’s difficult to adjust your temperature settings using your thermostat, then you have a malfunctioning thermostat.

A properly functioning thermostat should keep your home at a comfortable temperature at all times. If you find yourself constantly adjusting the temperature, it’s likely that you have a faulty thermostat.

Your Energy Bill Has Increased

One of the most obvious signs that it’s time for a new thermostat is an increase in your energy bills. If you notice that your heating and cooling costs are steadily increasing, it could be due to an outdated or inefficient thermostat. A new, energy-efficient programmable thermostat can help you save money on your energy bills and keep your home comfortable all year long.

You’re Still Using a Manual Thermostat

Thermostats that can only be changed by hand are called manual thermostats. There’s nothing wrong with them, but new thermostat technology can help you save on your energy bill and provide extra control and convenience to your life. A programmable thermostat can be set to a schedule to adjust the temperature settings throughout the day when no one is at home, or everyone is sleeping. smart thermostats take it a step further by allowing you to adjust the temperature with your smartphone. If your manual thermostat is working properly, but you just want to upgrade to the latest technology to save money, there’s nothing wrong with upgrading your thermostat for that reason.

Benefits of Switching to A Smart Thermostat

Changing out your old thermostat with a modern smart thermostat has many benefits, such as improved energy efficiency which can save you money in heating and cooling costs. Smart thermostats also allow you to control the temperature of your home from anywhere using just your phone or tablet. They can also detect when no one is home and adjust the temperature accordingly which helps conserve energy. In addition, they come with various features like voice-activated controls, auto-scheduling, and remote access capabilities making them ideal for modern homes.

Call Novak for Thermostat Installation Services in Cedar Rapids

Overall, understanding how long should a thermostat last and being aware of any signs that it’s time for an upgrade will help ensure that your heating and cooling system runs efficiently all year round. For quality thermostat installation services in the Cedar Rapids area, contact Novak Heating & Cooling today! With our expertise, we can guide you through choosing the best new smart thermostat for your home and handle all aspects of its installation so that you can enjoy its many benefits right away!